Section: New Results

Automatic speech recognition

Participants : Dominique Fohr, Jean-Paul Haton, Irina Illina, Denis Jouvet, Odile Mella, Emmanuel Vincent, Arseniy Gorin, Luiza Orosanu, Dung Tran.

stochastic models, acoustic models, language models, automatic speech recognition, speech transcription, training, robustness

Detailed acoustic modeling

Acoustic models aim at representing the acoustic features that are observed for the sounds of the language, as well as for non-speech events (silence, noise, ....). Currently context-dependent hidden Markov models (CD-HMM) constitute the state of the art for speech recognition. However, for text-speech alignment, simpler context-independent models are used as they provide better performance.

The use of larger speech training corpora allows us increasing the size of the acoustic models (more parameters through more Gaussians components per density, and more shared densities) and this leads to improved performance. However, in such approaches, Gaussian components are estimated independently for each density. Thus, after having investigated last year the usage of multiple modeling approaches for better constraining the acoustic decoding space, recent studies have focused on enriching the acoustic models themselves in view of handling trajectory and speaker consistency in decoding.

This year a new modeling approach was developed that takes benefit of the multiple modeling ideas and involves a sharing of parameters. The idea is to use the multiple modeling approach to partition the acoustic space according to classes (manual classes or automatic classification). Then, for each density, some Gaussian components are estimated on the data of each class. These class-based Gaussian components are then pooled to provide the set of Gaussian components of the density. Finally class dependent mixture weights are estimated for each density. The method allows us to better parameterize GMM-HMM without increasing significantly the number of model parameters. The experiments on French radio broadcast news data demonstrate the improvement of the accuracy with such parameterization compared to the models with similar, or even larger number of parameters [43] .

Current experiments deal with stranded HMM. The objective of such an approach is to introduce in the GMM-HMM modeling some extra parameters to take into account the transition between the Gaussian components when moving from one frame to the next.

Noise-robust speech recognition

In many real-world conditions, the speech signal is overlapped with noise, including environmental sounds, music, or undesired extra speech. Source separation may then be used as a pre-processing stage to enhance the desired speech signal [64] . In practice, the enhanced signal always includes some distortions compared to the original clean signal. It is important to quantify which parts of the enhanced signal are reliable in order not to propagate these distortions to the subsequent feature extraction and decoding stages. A number of heuristic statistical uncertainty estimators and propagators have been proposed to this aim. We started some work aiming to improve the accuracy of these estimators and propagators. We also showed how to exploit uncertainty in order to train unbiased acoustic models directly from noisy data [24] .

In order to motivate further work by the community, we created a new international evaluation campaign on that topic in 2011: the CHiME Speech Separation and Recognition Challenge. This challenge aims to recognize small or medium-vocabulary speech mixed with noise recorded in a real family home over the course of several weeks. We analyzed the outcomes of the first edition [16] which led to a special issue of Computer Speech and Language [15] and we organized a second edition in 2013 [66] which illustrated the progress made in two years over small-vocabulary speech and the remaining challenges towards robust recognition of medium-vocabulary speech [65] .

Linguistic modeling

Usually the lexicon used by a speech recognition system refers to word entries, where each entry in the pronunciation lexicon specifies a possible pronunciation of a word, and the associated language model specifies the probability of a word knowing preceding words. However, whatever the size of the lexicon is, the size is always finite, and the speech recognition system cannot recognize properly words that are not present in the lexicon. In such cases, the unknown word is typically replaced by a sequence of short words which is acoustically similar to the unknown speech portion.

Random indexing

This year we studied the introduction of semantic information through the Random Indexing paradigm (RI) in statistical language models used in speech recognition. Random Indexing is a scalable alternative to LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis) for analyzing relationships between a set of documents and the terms they contain. We determined the best methods and parameters by minimizing the perplexity of a realistic corpus of 290000 words. We investigated 4 methods for training RI matrices, 4 weighting functions, several matrix sizes and how balancing the 4-gram and RI language model. We only obtained a relative gain of 3% [42] .

Continuous language models

Language modeling plays an important role in automatic speech recognition because it constrains the decoder to search the most likely sequences of words according to a given language and a given task. A limitation of N-grams models is that they represent the words in a discrete space. It would be interesting to represent words in a continuous space where semantically close words would be projected in the same region of space. This projection can be achieved by recurrent neural networks. Moreover they are able to learn long-term dependencies with the recurrent layer that can store a record of the past. During his master internship, Othman Zennaki integrated this new language model in our speech recognition system ANTS.

Linguistic units for embedded systems

In the framework of the RAPSODIE project, speech recognition is to be used to help communication with hard of hearing people. Because of requirements on memory and CPU (almost real time processing), various modeling approaches have been investigated with respect to linguistic units. The first approach has focused on analyzing the achieved phonetic decoding performance of various linguistic units (phonemes, syllables, words). Best phonetic decoding performance is achieved using word units and associated tri-gram language model, but at the expense of large CPU and memory requirements. Using directly phoneme units leads to the smallest models and requires little CPU, however, this also leads to the worst performance. The proposed approach relying on syllable units provides results which are rather close to the word based approach, but requires much less CPU [58] , [57] .

Further experiments are now focusing on combining word and syllable units, in view of having frequent words covered by the word units, and using syllables for decoding unknown words.

OOV proper name retrieval

Proper name recognition is a challenging task in information retrieval in large audio/video databases. Proper names are semantically rich and are usually key to understanding the information contained in a document.

In the framework of the ContNomina project, we focus on increasing the vocabulary coverage of a speech transcription system by automatically retrieving proper names from contemporary diachronic text documents. We proposed methods that dynamically augment the automatic speech recognition system vocabulary, using lexical and temporal features in diachronic documents. We also studied different metrics for proper name selection in order to limit the vocabulary augmentation and therefore the impact on the ASR performances. Recognition results show a significant reduction of the word error rate using augmented vocabulary [56] .

Speech transcription

The first complete version of the speech transcription system ANTS (see section 5.5 ) has been initially developed in the framework of the Technolangue project ESTER, and since then, the system has been regularly enriched through the integration of research results. The latest version can handle either HTK-based acoustic models through the Julius decoder, or Sphinx-based acoustic models with the CMU Sphinx decoders. In the last version, a Perl script encapsulates all the calls to the various tools used for diarization, model adaptation and speech recognition, and takes benefit of the multiple CPU available on the computer for parallelizing the different tasks as much as possible.

Combining recognizers

Last year in the context of the ETAPE speech transcription evaluation campaign, the Sphinx-based and Julius-based decoders have been further improved, and it was observed that combining the recognition outputs of several Sphinx-based and Julius-based decoder lead to a significant word error rate reduction compared to the best individual system.

More controlled experiments have then been performed to understand what was the main reason of the large performance improvement observed when combining Julius-based and Sphinx-based transcription system results. The Sphinx decoder processes the speech data in a forward pass, whereas the Julius decoder ends its decoding process by a backward pass. The Sphinx training and decoding scripts have been modified to process the speech material in a reverse time order; and various systems were developed by using different sets of acoustic features and different sets of acoustic units. It was then observed that combining several Sphinx-forward and several Sphinx-reverse decoders lead to much better results than combining the same amount of only Sphinx-forward decoders or only Sphinx-reverse decoders; and the achieved word error rate was consistent with the one obtained by combining the Sphinx-based (forward) and Julius-based (backward) decoders [49] . Hence, the improvement is mainly due to the fact that forward-based and backward-based processing are combined. Because heuristics are applied during decoding to limit the acoustic space that is explored, some hypotheses might be wrongly pruned when processing the data one way, and may be kept in the active beam search when processing the other way. This is corroborated by the analysis of the word graph which show a large dissimilarity in the distribution of the number of words starting and ending in each frame [48] .

Experiments have also shown that when the forward and backward decoders yield the same word hypothesis, this word is likely to be a correct answer. Recent experiments are investigating how far such behavior could help for unsupervised learning of acoustic models.

Spontaneous speech

During his master intership, Bruno Andriamiarina focuses on the new challenges brought by this spontaneity of the speech, making it difficult to be transcribed by the existing automatic speech recognition systems. He studied how to improve global performance of automatic speech recognition systems when dealing with spontaneous speech by adapting language model and pronunciation dictionary to this particular type of speech. He also studied the detection of disfluent speech portions (produced by spontaneous speech) in speech signal using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)-based classifier trained on prosodic features covering the main prosodic characteristics (duration, fundamental frequency and energy).

Towards a structured output

The automatic detection of the prosodic structure of speech utterances has been investigated. The algorithm relies on a hierarchical representation of the prosodic organization of the speech utterances, and detects prosodic boundaries whether they are followed or not by pause. The detection of the prosodic boundaries and of the prosodic structures is based on an approach that integrates little linguistic knowledge and mainly uses the amplitude of the F0 slopes and the inversion of the F0 slopes as well as phone durations. The approach was applied on a corpus of radio French broadcast news and also on radio and TV shows which are more spontaneous speech data. The automatic prosodic segmentation results were then compared to a manual prosodic segmentation made by an expert phonetician [37] .

Further work has focused on analyzing the links between manually set punctuation marks and this automatically detected prosodic structure, in view of using the prosodic structure for helping an automatic punctuation process.

Speech/text alignment

Alignment with non-native speech

Non-native speech alignment with text is one critical step in computer assisted foreign language learning. The alignment is necessary to analyze the learner's utterance, in view of providing some prosody feedback (as for example bad duration of some syllables - too short or too long -). However, non-native speech alignment with text is much more complicated than native speech alignment. This is due to the pronunciation deviations observed on non-native speech, as for example the replacement of some target language phonemes by phonemes of the mother tongue, as well as errors in the pronunciations.

In the case of French speakers learning English, we conducted a detailed analysis that has showed the benefit of taking into account non-native variants, and lead to determining the classes of phonemes whose temporal boundaries are the most accurate and which should be favored in the design of exercises for language learning[18] .

In the framework of the IFCASL project, we proposed to use a two-step approach for automatic phone segmentation. The first step consists in determining the phone sequence that best explains the learner’s utterance. This is achieved by force aligning the learner’s speech utterance with a model representing the various possible pronunciation variants of the current sentence (both native and non-native variants need to be considered). In this step detailed acoustic Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are used, with a rather large number of Gaussian components per mixture density. This kind of detailed acoustic models is the one that provides the best performance in automatic speech recognition. The second step consists in determining the phone boundaries. This is also achieved through a forced alignment process, but this time, the sequence of phones is known (as determined in the first step), and phone acoustic models with only a few Gaussians components per mixture density are used because it has been shown that they provide better temporal precision than detailed acoustic models. For the training of the models used for both forced alignment steps, the speech of native and non-native speakers could be used, either directly or by MLLR (Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression) adaptation.

Alignment with spontaneous speech

In the framework of the ANR ORFEO, we addressed the problem of the alignment of spontaneous speech. The ORFEO audio files were recorded under various conditions with a large SNR range and contain extra speech phenomena and overlapping speech. As regards overlapping speech, the orthographic transcription of the audio files only provides a rather imprecise time information of the overlapping speech segment. As a first approach, among the different orthographic transcripts corresponding to the overlapping area, we determined as the main transcript the one that best matches the audio signal, the others are kept in other tiers with the same time boundaries.